17302 Pacific Ave S, Spanaway, WA 98387

Gross monthly:$30,923.01|Net Income monthly:$25,960.00|Retail Strip Center 23 Rental Units,6 units Apartment behind the building| 3.73-acre lot. Income snapshot and rental 100% Full occupancy.Great condition.Upgrade Exterior. Single building along with a pad drive-thru ATM. Good location!Intersection and is shadow-anchored SuperCenter Walmark across Hwy 7, Banks, Auto zone just cross on street. Located on busy Pacific Ave with high traffic count and High visibility in Lake Spanaway Golf court.
Broker: Darlene Q. Nguyen-Chapman (87605)
Office: Berkshire Hathaway HS NW
Property Details
SOLD: $3,900,000
Address: 17302 Pacific Ave S
City: Spanaway
State: WA
Zip: 98387
MLS#: 778179
Beds: n/a
Baths: n/a
Square Feet: n/a
Garage: n/a
Year Built: n/a
Status: Sold
Baths: n/a
Square Feet: n/a
Garage: n/a
Year Built: n/a
Status: Sold