219 E Johnson Avenue Chelan, WA 98816

Prime Commercial Property in the heart of Downtown Chelan. Current owners have the building rented out. One rental is a health clinic and the other is a bank. Both have leases in place through October of 2022. Great location with 225′ of frontage on Johnson Ave. Property is also listed with 5 homes and 1 Duplex for $4, 500, 000 under MLS# 1765059 if you need more prime commercial property in Downtown Chelan.
Property Details
SOLD: $1,856,745
Address: 219 E Johnson Avenue
City: Chelan
State: WA
Zip: 98816
MLS#: 1869324
Beds: n/a
Baths: n/a
Square Feet: 23,522 sqft
Garage: n/a
Year Built: n/a
Status: Sold
Baths: n/a
Square Feet: 23,522 sqft
Garage: n/a
Year Built: n/a
Status: Sold